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The practice of household spiced melon seeds

from: | update:2019-10-18 | font:small-middle-big | views7109

The following small series teaches you how to make the spiced melon seeds and look down together.

1. Put the seeds in a large colander and put them under the water pipe to wash away the dust.

2. Then add water to the pot, add water, the seeds will float up, so just use the colander to press the seeds to see the water can not have melon seeds. Then put the salt and stir well. After cooking, try to taste the water of the melon seeds. Be sure to be salty. Otherwise, the seeds will not taste.

3. Put the star anise, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, licorice directly into the pot or put it in a seasoning bag.

4. After the fire is opened, simmer for 20 minutes, turn off the heat, soak until the water is completely cool, then use a colander to remove the water for a while.

5. Cut a square gauze and fold the bottom and the other side with needlework, then turn over and turn the seam into the bag. An open rectangular gauze pocket is ready.

6. Put the cooked seeds into the bag (just install it until 7 minutes is full, so that the bag can be spread evenly to circulate the heat in the bag), tie the bag, and then lay the bag flat. Spread it evenly on the heating and dry it. It takes about 3 days. It must be baked to make it delicious. You should turn the bag over every day.

7. If there is no heating, you can put the cooked melon seeds into the wok and dry them until they are dry. You can also put them in the baking tray and spread them out. Then you can use 100 degrees to bake them to dry out. One hour

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